In this article AJR discusses End Of Windows Vista Security Updates
This is just a friendly reminder: if your computer system is running Windows Vista operating system, its crunch time and time to upgrade. Windows has announced the official EOL (End of Life) date for the OS as April 11, 2017. As of this date, there will be no more software security updates, period. That includes no more updates to fix those critical security issues.
We’ve been down this road previously with Microsoft’s much beloved, and still surprisingly widely used Windows XP operating system, and the same thing is about to happen with Vista and i know most users will probably be happy as vista never received the love windows XP did.
If your business relies on an older computer that’s still running Windows Vista in order to maintain some Legacy system, it is increasingly urgent that you find a solution, and time’s ticking!.
It’s inevitable that the hacking community will find a new flaw in Vista’s security and exploit it, and Microsoft won’t come to your rescue with a patch. Fortunately, Windows Vista never reached anything close to the heights of popularity enjoyed by Windows XP as mentioned above, so the number of users still on the OS is relatively small. In fact, to this day, Windows XP still has a larger user base than Vista, despite having reached its End of Life quite some time ago.
Still, that is small consolation to those users who are still tied to the old Operating system, usually because of some older, proprietary software that would break if the OS were upgraded. It’s a tricky dilemma. On the hand, migrating away from a system like that can be painful. On the other hand, not migrating once Microsoft stops providing security patches can destroy your business.
We had a business awhile back that was running a windows XP machine in there warehouse to run some legacy auditing software anyways this machine got infected and this infected their entire network. They called us and we went out on-site and had to remove some nasty malware from their network it was quite a lengthy process to get everything back to normal but the point I’m making is that one outdated machine cost their business x amount and this was an expense they could have avoided.
If your IT staff is bogged down with other initiatives and can’t tend to this problem, give AJR a call and talk to one of our specialist team. We’ll assess your needs and help you map out a plan that gets you away from whatever legacy system tying you to the old OS, and into safer territory, while minimising downtime.