In this article AJR explain How to Extend the Life of Your Phone Battery You’re running late for that meeting. Donut in one hand and phone in the other, you run through the pouring rain to get to your car when your battery light starts flashing. “Plug in your charger,” your phone proclaims as you...
AJR Cloud Tech New Feature Added
In this Article AJR will overview a AJR Cloud Tech New Feature Added Not only can we keep your apps and software up to date we have now added the feature to keep your windows operating system up to date. Windows operating systems security patches are extremely critical for keeping our customers machines including...
Time to Upgrade or Replace Your Storage System
In this article AJR discuss Time to Upgrade or Replace Your Storage System The potential for a system failure of a business’s digital storage system weighs heavily on many IT professionals. Your data storage system is vulnerable to a number of different disasters, ranging from physical destruction like floods and fires, to website hosting issues...
How Technology Drives Startups To Success
In this article AJR looks at How Technology Drives Startups To Success When we think of technology, there are two main ideas that come to mind. The first is hardware, the tangible products that we directly experience such as a mobile phone, camera or a cloud server. The second is software, commonly known as apps, which...
Tips For Giving a More Memorable Presentation
If you’ve ever been to a conference of any sort, you probably know what we’re talking about when we say “boring.” A good number of people give speeches and presentations their best shot, but sometimes their best just isn’t all that great. Witnessing a lackluster speech is sometimes worse than a root canal (at...
What is a Managed Antivirus Solution
In this article AJR will discuss – What is a Managed Antivirus Solution Business networks are becoming more complex as more devices are introduced and more applications are implemented. Therefore, administrators are having a harder time managing all the aspects of a network. One idea that will help administrators better manage security on networks and...
Apple Mac Users are Still at Risk
In this article AJR will discuss – Apple Mac Users are Still at Risk If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times. Mac’s are just “safer” than PC’s. They’re less prone to viral and other types of hacking attacks. This has, in fact, been a major selling point for the machines, and...
Create a Cloud Computing Strategy for Business
In this article AJR discuss – Create a Cloud Computing Strategy for Business As with many technology issues, the question that often goes unanswered is where to begin. Often, companies feel the need to jump into the middle of the latest competitively essential technologies without having a clear starting point or plan in mind. In...
Outlook tips to improve productivity
In this article AJR discuss – Outlook tips to improve productivity When it comes to the best email management software for businesses, Outlook is among the top tools on the list. But the program contains so many functions, settings, and capabilities that it’s near impossible to master them all in a short time. That’s why...
Why Managed IT Services Boost Productivity
In this article AJR discuss Why Managed IT Services Boost Productivity For many small and medium sized business owners like yourself, Managed Services may be a confusing topic. You’ve likely heard that they can lead to greater productivity and profits, but are unsure as to just how they do this. If you’ve been confused for...